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Facing Tai Sui 2009


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Dear Masters,

I am confused w/ some of the advice I've been receiving about facing Tai Sui 2009.

My desk is directly facing Tai Sui (NE) this year (2009) and there's little I can do about it. However, the 'entrance' to my cubicle is facing SSW. My cubicle is in the SWW sector of my building.

So do I need to place a 'Pi Yao' facing NE to appease Tai Sui?Or am I ok b/c of the sector my cubicle is in regardless of which way I face?

Pls advise.


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1. Please take note that the "Pi Yao" is a modern commercial product. And such products appear in abundance only after the mid 1980's.

2. Many Geomancers, are not shameful, in promoting commercial products, as these brings in the bulk of their "ill gotten" gains. Some Geomaners even preach.... during their audit sessions: " You have to place this specific painting, here".

3. You might ask: "Where do I get this painting."

4. The geomancer say: "Come to my shop."

5. For the individual,THREE key concepts should be considered:-

5.1. CONCEPT 1:

Under the Compass School of Feng Shui, the Eight House (East/West group) applies. The question asked is " Does the compass change directions? Yes or No?

5.2 CONCEPT 2:

Concept of Tai Sui or Grand Duke of Jupiter

Capital punishment of the Tai Sui has more to do with "touch" or "disturb him". Thus, the rest e.g. facing Tai Sui is less of an issue.

5.3 CONCEPT 3:

Commonsense Approach to Feng Shui:

5.3.1 You said it: "There is little I can do..."

5.3.2 If it ain't broken, don't fix it!

Think about it!

6. The saying goes " If the buying stops, the selling can!" Go to any rich man's home. Can you find all sorts of rubbish "in the name of" Feng Shui products? "Here, the seller gets richer and the buyer... conned into departing with their hard earned money".

Dear Masters,

I am confused w/ some of the advice I've been receiving about facing Tai Sui 2009.

My desk is directly facing Tai Sui (NE) this year (2009) and there's little I can do about it. However, the 'entrance' to my cubicle is facing SSW. My cubicle is in the SWW sector of my building.

So do I need to place a 'Pi Yao' facing NE to appease Tai Sui?Or am I ok b/c of the sector my cubicle is in regardless of which way I face?

Pls advise.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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