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In The Kitchen


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Dear Feng Shui Master,

In my house kitchen, the washing machineis facing directly opposite the stove. Is this bad as it is the fire & water element in feng shui? Does that mean my family will quarrel quite often?because we all always get into a quarrel easily when discussing things. What should I do other than moving the washing machine?

And may I know is microwave oven &toaster ovena fire element? Lastly, what element isthe electric kettle? water or fire?

Thank you so much!

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Dear Anon,

In my opinion, the question asked, may have more dimensions than what you had mentioned, below.

For example, other major considerations like:

1. Is the stove facing a good direction (often should face a good direction suitable to the woman "head" of the home.)

2. Best to avoid placing the stove directly at the NW compass direction. This is known as "fire at heaven's gate" - considered by many FS practitioners as a very inauspicious location. For the stove as well as an oven or even a toaster oven, here.

3. If the kitchen is located at the South (fire element) compass direction of a home; it is OK to have the stove facing a water position. But if the kitchen is located at the North part of the home, then it would not be good to have the stove face e.g. a washing machine.

One could place a mirror or a reflective piece on the washing machine exactly at the point facing the stove's flame outlet is a consideration.

A microwave oven should be considered as a metal element. This is because of the way microwave molecules "enters" into the food to be cooked. And thus, shows the characteristics of a metal element.

While an oven, especially if it is a convection oven will often "glow" red at it's filament. Thus should be considered as a fire element.

Warmest Regards,

Anonymous wrote:
In my house kitchen, the washing machineis facing directly opposite the stove. Is this bad as it is the fire & water element in feng shui? Does that mean my family will quarrel quite often?because we all always get into a quarrel easily when discussing things. What should I do other than moving the washing machine

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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