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more questions from a beginner


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I have a couple more questions:
1) How do you count the steps in a staircase? Do you include the floor of the level above and/or the floor of the level below, or only the steps in the middle? If there is a landing, does it count as a step? Does it depend on the size of the landing?
If the steps are outside the unit (in the public staircase between the units) does it have an influence on the unit's feng shui? What about steps on the hillside on the path approaching the building?
2) We live in an apartment building where the entrance to the stairwell between the units is on the south side but facing up the hill. However the door entering our unit is in the center of the east wall of our unit, facing the stairwell from the side. Does this make our main entrance an east-facing entrance? Inside the unit, the living, dining and kitchen areas are on the side facing down the slope (north) while the bedrooms and bathrooms are on the south side. On the north side near the east end, there is a door going out to the balcony. So what does this say in general about which direction our apartment is facing?
Thank you,
Miriam Davis
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Dear Miriam,
Please refer to attached illustration on how to count the no. of steps.
Usually, the landing is also included (as shown under the attachment).
Please see below:-

On 8/22/2002 8:10:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
I have a couple more
1) How do you count the steps
in a staircase? Do you
include the floor of the level
above and/or the floor of the
level below, or only the steps
in the middle? If there is a
landing, does it count as a
step? Does it depend on the
size of the landing?

Please refer to attachment.

If the steps are outside the
unit (in the public staircase
between the units) does it
have an influence on the
unit's feng shui? What about
steps on the hillside on the
path approaching the building?

All these should be looked at collectively under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui i.e. your building in relation to the surroundings.

2) We live in an apartment
building where the entrance to
the stairwell between the
units is on the south side but
facing up the hill. However
the door entering our unit is
in the center of the east wall
of our unit, facing the
stairwell from the side. Does
this make our main entrance an
east-facing entrance? Inside
the unit, the living, dining
and kitchen areas are on the
side facing down the slope
(north) while the bedrooms and
bathrooms are on the south
side. On the north side near
the east end, there is a door
going out to the balcony. So
what does this say in general
about which direction our
apartment is facing?

Thank you for your description. Usually, it is best that if you can provide a sketch. As often, descriptions can often be interpreted wrongly. And I would like to minimise it, if I can.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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